Major Milestones
- The Hong Kong Institute of Personnel Management (HKIPM) was officially registered in February. First Annual General Meeting was held and Peter Barrett was elected first President of the Institute. - Inaugural issue of members’ newsletter published in May. - Founding President Peter Barrett (1977 - 1979) |
1978 |
- Conducted first survey of executive compensation (now the renowned annual Pay Trend and Pay Level Survey). |
1979 |
- 2nd President J.P.M. Moran (1979 - 1980) |
1980 |
- Held its first two-day HKIPM Annual Convention. - 3rd President Whelan Wong (1980 - 1983) |
1983 |
- Appointed first full-time secretariat staff. - 4th President Francis Wong (1983 - 1984) |
1984 |
- 5th President Brian Renwick (1984 - 1985) |
1985 |
- Drew up A Code of Conduct and Ethics for Human Resources Professionals. - 6th President Patrick G. Maule (1985 - 1989) |
1987 |
- Celebrated 10th anniversary and changed corporate logo. |
1988 |
- Conducted first Emigration from Hong Kong – an Organisational Survey. - Conducted The Present State of Personnel Management in Hong Kong survey. |
1989 |
- 7th President Eric Peake (1989 - 1993) |
1992 |
- The Hong Kong Society for Training and Development merged with HKIPM. |
1993 |
- 8th President Eddie Ng (1993 - 1998) |
1994 |
- Published The Employment Ordinance – An Annotated Guide - Introduced Staff Opinion Survey (now the Employee Experience Survey™). - Formed the Asia Pacific Group. - Changed name to Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) to better reflect the changing strategic role of HR management. A new mission statement was announced. |
1995 |
- Joined hands with The Conference Board of the US to organise its first Conference Board Conference in Asia. - President Eddie Ng was elected President of the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) (1995 – 1999). - Formed the PRC Club. |
1996 |
- Organised the 1996 World Congress on Personnel Management in conjunction with the APFHRM and World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA). - HRM Strategies and Practices in Australia & in Taiwan conducted and released in the World Congress on Personnel Management - Launched official website on 1 May. |
1997 |
- Celebrated 20th Anniversary. - Introduced Global Remuneration Professional® (GRP) programmes and examinations of the American Compensation Association (now WorldatWork) in Hong Kong. - Produced Data Privacy Guidelines. - Published Hong Kong Employment Law Manual. |
1998 |
- Conducted Human Resource Competencies Study in Hong Kong together with the University of Michigan Business School. - Conducted Benefits Survey and Manpower Planning Survey. - 9th President P. O. Mak (1998 - 2001) |
2000 |
- Immediate Past President Eddie Ng was elected President of the WFPMA (2000-2002). - Conducted Training Needs Analysis Survey (now Training and Development Needs Survey). - Published "News Digest" – a daily e-summary of HR-related news (now daily e-newsletter). - Published professional monthly journal People Today (now Human Resources). |
2001 |
- HKIHRM was one of the founding members of the CPD Alliance which was formed by professional organisations to promote the importance of continuing professional development. - Introduced complimentary legal advisory service to corporate members. - 10th President Virginia Choi (2001 - 2005) |
2002 |
- Celebrated 25th Anniversary. - Set four initiatives (Accreditation, China, Website/IT and SMEs) as key development areas. |
2003 |
- Immediate Past President P. O. Mak was elected Vice President of the APFHRM. - Introduced complimentary employment-related tax advisory service to corporate members. |
2004 |
- President Virginia Choi was elected Chairperson of the CPD Alliance. - Joined hands with Worldwide ERC® to launch the Global Mobility Specialist (GMS™) Programme. - Conducted another round of Human Resource Competencies Study in China with the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. |
- Co-presented Human Capital Management in Greater China Conference together with South China Morning Post (SCMP). - Relocation of HKIHRM Secretariat office to Causeway Bay. - 11th President Lai Kam Tong (2005 - 2008) |
- Launched Continuous Learning Recognition Scheme. - Drew up the draft Accreditation Roadmap. - Jointly launched People Management Awards with the SCMP. |
2007 |
- Celebrated 30th Anniversary. - Conducted 2007 China Pay Trend and Pay Level Survey. |
2008 |
- An Accreditation Steering Committee was formed to monitor the progress of the Accreditation Initiative and make decisions on its related processes and mechanism. - 12th President Wilfred Wong (2008 - 2010) |
2009 |
- A Minimum Wage Taskforce was set up to solicit the concerns of HR professionals in different sectors and to represent HKIHRM in meeting with related parties to discuss the impact of a minimum wage on HR practices. |
2010 |
- Launched an HR Professional Standards Model and a new Membership Scheme. - Co-operated with Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) for the first time to conduct surveys, entitled “2010 Learning and Talent Development Survey” and “Next Generation HR”. - Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CIPD to establish longer-term relationship. - President Francis Mok was elected President of the APFHRM (2010 – 2012). - 13th President Francis Mok (2010 - 2014) |
2011 |
- Host the APFHRM Council meeting in Hong Kong and organised a Regional HR Conference with the theme “Winning Insight on Human Capital Asia Pacific 2011”. - Jointly organised a three-day programme with CIPD, which featured employment relations and union management. - Co-organised the first two-shore four-place ER conference with China Association for Labour Studies. - Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with HR People & Strategy, a strategically focused, US-based ground-breaking network of HR management executives and leaders. |
- Celebrated 35th Anniversary. - HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition revamped. - Launched the first HR Excellence Awards. - Launched new website and a mobile application for despatch of HKIHRM information. - 1st HR Forum at SmartHK co-organised with Hong Kong Trade Development Council held in Hangzhou. - Launched mentorship programme for Associate Members. |
- Organised various standard working hours related activities including forum and survey, and made a submission to government. - Launched a project to enhance HR capability of small- and medium-sized enterprises jointly with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business with sponsorship from the SME Development Fund of the Trade and Industry Department. - 1st ASTD-HKIHRM Post-Conference Sharing Session organised jointly with American Society for Training & Development (now the Association for Talent Development) - New HKIHRM website and mobile app launched. |
- Continued partnership with CIPD to extend joint collaborations under a second Memorandum of Understanding. - Appointed by the Government as Professional Writer to develop and produce the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for the Human Resource Management sector under the Qualifications Framework - Organised the first Training and Development Needs Seminar as a new initiative to the Training and Development Needs Survey conducted by the Institute. - 14th President David Li (2014 - 2018) |
2015 |
- The 7th Two-Shore Four-Place Employee Relation Forum held in Hong Kong - Annual Training Needs Seminar cum ATD Post-Conference Sharing and Pay Trend and Benefits Seminar expanded to a full-day event - Membership number peaked at 5,522 |
2016 |
- On 8 August, the HKIHRM entered into a reciprocity professional membership recognition arrangment between the HKIHRM's Professional Members M.I.H.R.M (HK) designation and the Canada-based Human Resources Management Association (HRMA)'s Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation established by the two professional bodies. |
2017 |
- Celebrate 40th anniversary |
2018 |
- 15th President Margaret Cheng (2018 - 2022) |
2022 |
- 16th President Lawrence Hung (2022 -) - Celebrate 45th anniversary |